Sunday, December 11, 2011

Choco Mocha Crunch Cake

I am very new to the world of blogging. 6 months ago I was unaware of the existence of food blogs. I didn't know the concept behind it but then one day I came across this blog while random browsing and I was impressed. That day I came to know that it is possible for me to share my food experiences with the world. It will be a creative outlet to share my trials, tribulations and triumphs. And so I started The Recipe Code.

I think about food more than a normal person would usually do. I have been cooking since I was hardly 12. It is my passion. I love experimenting with food and creating new recipes. I love sharing these recipes with others. People usually tend to hide their recipes and secret ingredients but I feel pride in sharing. And I also love to cook for crowds. 

I am specially blessed with a very loving family and friends. People who appreciate my work and provide constructive criticism. When a month ago I expressed my intention of starting a food blog, these were the people who encouraged me and in spite of a number of reservations I had, I published my first post on 24th November, 2011, only 17 days ago and just in these 2 and a half weeks I have received an extraordinary response. One I had never expected. 

I know my blog is not the best food blog of the world. I still have to learn a lot about blogging. I still have to add a lot of stuff to it, but it means so much to me now. In only 17 days it has become an important part of my life. 

Thanks to all the family, friends and followers out there! Your support, feed back and continuous encouragement means a lot to me.

Today my facebook page has reached 125 likes. This might be a small number for many but it is a big encouragement for me and I want to celebrate with you all with this Choco Mocha Crunch Cake.

This is a thank you cake to all of you out there..
I hope you all will enjoy this yummilicious treat as much as I did! :)

For the cake I used Betty Crocker's Moist Chocolate Cake and prepared it according to instructions given on the box.

Mocha Butter Cream Frosting


  1. Butter (1 cup - softened)
  2. Icing Sugar (4 cups)
  3. Vanilla essence (1 tsp)
  4. Cornstarch (1 tsp)
  5. Instant coffee powder (2 tsp)
  6. Water (2-3 tbsp)
  • In a large bowl cream butter with an electric mixer until light and fluffy.
  • Gradually add icing sugar in 4 batches and mix. Scrape sides and bottom of the bowl often. 
  • When all sugar has been mixed in add vanilla essence and coffee and mix some more.
  • Add water and beat at medium speed until light and fluffy.
  • Keep covered with a damp cloth until ready to use. 

  1. Allow the cake to cool after baking. preferably overnight.
  2. Cut in two halves.
  3. Spread caramel crunch on the first layer and dollop a big spoonful of frosting. Spread it evenly with a spatula.
  4. Place the 2nd layer on top of first layer and dollop about 1 cup frosting on the center of 2nd layer. Using a spatula spread the icing towards edges.
  5. When the top is done spread frosting on edges and smooth out the entire cake.
  6. Decorate the cake with remaining frosting and more caramel crunch.


  1. The frosting sounds so good! I love, love the flavor of coffee with chocolate.

  2. I'm honored to have played a role in your blogging journey. And I'd like a piece of cake, please.

  3. Blogging is a great way to connect with other people who love what you love. The cake looks amazing.

  4. The cake looks perfect. Love the coffee flavor here.

  5. You had me at choco-mocha. The crunch is just an added benefit - sounds amazing!

    Welcome to the blogging world. I'm pretty new, too - just under a year - but enjoying it so much! Congrats on the Facebook likes. You're well on your way.
