Saturday, December 31, 2011

Chocolate Souffles

It is officially the end of 2011 tonight and the beginning of a new year and a new hope. 2011 was not the best years of my life, I have seen better, but it sure brought some of the good things in life. For one, I started The Recipe Code, a blog which is a mirror to my passion. One of the few things that I really enjoy doing is cooking and through this blog I get to share my cooking expeditions. Just so that you know, I also some times use cooking as a therapy. Whenever I am down or low I head to the kitchen and get my self busy in cooking and as soon as I start whipping up something, all my batteries are recharged and I start feeling better.

My father tells me that sometimes I giggle like a kid and I believe that happens only when something that I baked or cooked comes out just perfect, exactly like the way I wanted it to be. One of those giggles happened  tonight when I made these chocolate souffles.

Man! was I excited to see them rise nicely and standing tall. I wanted a sweet start to the new year, promising myself that this year would definitely be better and sweeter than the last. And the start was as yummy as planned, though my tall, good looking soldiers could not stand upright for too long.

Tonight I made souffles for the first time in my life and I was very much aware about their delicacy and how a single mistake can ruin their perfect rise. So I had kept my camera and the spot ready for them to be photographed and I didn't even open the oven door again and again to check weather they were rising or not. I patiently stood by the oven waiting for the timer to go off so that I can take a first look at my lovelies. After 17 minutes the timer went off and I opened the oven door for the first time to see my four pretty good looking souffles standing tall and high, beaming proudly, smelling delicious and waiting for me to take them to the table..

But then something happened... I called my mom and sister to witness this beautiful sight. We got so excited admiring my souffles that we forgot to take them to the table and take a picture and when at last after 3 minutes we came back to our senses, they were gone half way down.

Now we rushed to the table and quickly tried to capture the last moments of their height but sadly, we couldn't get much. 

But I do not regret that I couldn't take perfect pictures of my souffle. I am happy that the three of us shared a laughter together, we celebrated my tiny success for three minutes and we all were together laughing when 2011 said goodbye and God willing, we will spend 2012 with the same laughter, enjoyment and togetherness.

I used Gordon Ramsay's recipe to make this souffle. I know he wont be much proud of me if he saw this but hey I haven't given up yet. I will be back soon with a picture perfect souffle I promise! Till then Have A Very Happy New Year!!!


  1. Zee, they are beautiful. Souffles taunt the camera and you did really well with a difficult subject. I know they were delicious. Happy New Year. Blessings...Mary

  2. Giggling like a child over something you made is so cute. And needed - you seem like a happy person. And I can't blame you for being delighted with these chocolate souffles, they look so tasty!

  3. great job i am yet to try making them :-) love trying new recipes happy new year Rebecca

  4. I think your souffle is beautiful! Photographing is hard because of the time factor :)

  5. Very nice! I have never made a souffle before...I am too afraid. Happy new year!

  6. The souffle really looks perfect and to giggle like a child is so CUTE :) You know I too use cooking as a therapy at times and it helps! Happy New Year and I truly wish that 2012 brings more happiness in your life.

  7. Dear Mary, Indie Tea, Rebecca, Anh, Lisa And Kankana. Thank you all for kind words and appreciation.. I am really glad you all visited my space.. Thank you for stopping by! :)

  8. How gorgeous are these! So perfect! Well done Zee and Happy New Year!

  9. Yummy looking souffle! Thank you Zee for visiting & for leaving a comment on my blog. You have good collection of recipes. I am now following your blog. I'd appreciate it if you could follow mine too, if you find it interesting :)

  10. wow... souffles look awesome... delicious... Wish you a very happy new year..

  11. where's the recipe ?

  12. These look outstanding!! Souffles were always something that I thought to be one of those really "hard foods" and then after making them a time or two I discovered they're actually quite easy. I've never done a sweet one though (always savory) so am excited to give this recipe a try. YUM!
