Thursday, February 2, 2012

Orange Bread for BYOB

Heather of girlichef is hosting a monthly event called BYOB (Bake Your Own Bread)  and as soon as I came to know about it, I was too excited and agreed to participate. This is a monthly event where participants bake their own bread and Heather will do a roundup of all bread recipes at the end of each month. 
BYOB Badge
I wanted to enter this recipe of Orange Bread in Heather's BYOB so I decided to re-post it. Stay tuned for more and even better bread recipes all this month!:)

I got the bread recipe from here. This is a great, no-fail recipe and the bread always comes out soft and delicious. To make orange bread, I prepared the dough exactly according to the instructions given by sortachef

After the first rise, roll the dough on a floured flat surface into a big circle. Using a knife, cut broad strips on the dough and spread Orange Marmalade on the surface. The quantity of marmalade depends upon how big you roll your dough. Make sure you cover complete surface of the dough with marmalade and do not leave spaces in between. 
Divide strips further into squares and fold each square lengthwise once.
Arrange all pieces in a greased bread pan and allow a second rise. To maintain the shape of bread and keep pieces from sliding down, you may want to keep the pan tilted. Once the bread has risen, it will reach the edge of the pan and you will not need to tilt it anymore.
Pour 1/2 cup freshly squeezed orange juice. Bake in pre-heated oven at 215 C for 10 minutes, then reduce the heat to 190 C and bake for another 40 minutes until brown. 

Did you know, after chocolate and vanilla, orange is the world's favorite flavor?

What is your favorite flavor?


  1. Mmmmm....this does sound wonderful. I'm a big fan of breads w/ sweet and citrus. I made a similar bread, but used chocolate in the dough and orange in between the layers a few months ago. Thanks so much for sharing this loaf with BYOB this month :D

  2. Oh I remember this post and I love this one! Haha BYOB, not Bring your own beer, huh. I like it! =D

  3. I remember this post too! The orange bread looks soooo good.

  4. I like this orange flavoured bread. Will try it.
