Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Chicken Capsicum Cream with Butter Rice - 2nd prize winner recipe of Sufi's Master Chef

As promised to you earlier, here I am today, with the recipe which secured 2nd position in Sufi's Master Chef Competition. This recipe was submitted by Ms. Kiran Razzak and I must say this was one delicious dish!

It was delicious, creamy and had a crunchy texture due to capsicum.

Butter rice added appeal and interest to the dish and resulted in a very flavorful combination.

However, for me, this dish lost few points due to the amount of seasonings used. I personally like spicy food so I added little more chilies to enhance the flavor. But over all it was a nice and easy recipe with good flavors.

Here is the recipe with my suggested alterations in notes:


1. Chicken (skinless/boneless 1/2 kg)
2. Capsicum (2, cut in cubes)
3. Onion (2, finely chopped)
4. Ginger/ Garlic paste (1 tbsp)
6. Tomatoes (2, chopped)
7. Cream (4 tbsp)
8. Crushed black pepper (1/2 tsp)
9. Red chili flakes (1/2tsp)
10. Mustard paste (1/2tsp)
11. Yogurt (4 tbsp)
12. Salt to taste
13. Cooking oil 3tbsp

  • Marinate chicken with mustard paste, salt and red chili flakes for 15 minutes.
  • In a pan heat oil, add onions and sauté.
  • Add tomatoes and ginger/garlic paste, sauté for 2 minutes.
  • Add marinated chicken and cook for 5 minutes.
  • Add yogurt and cook on high flame until its water dries.
  • Add capsicum and black pepper.
  • Before serving remove pan from stove and add cream.
  • Serve hot with butter rice.

Note: I used 1 tsp black pepper and 1 tsp red chili flakes for this recipe.

Butter Rice
(Note: This Butter Rice recipe is my own and was not provided with Ms. Kiran's recipe)

  1. Rice (250 gms)
  2. Butter (4 tbsp)
  3. Garlic (2 tbsp, chopped)
  4. Salt (1-1/2 tbsp)
  5. Water (3 cups, or according to the instructions on package)
  6. Yellow food color (1 pinch, optional)
  • Put together all ingredients in a pan and bring water to boil on high flame.
  • When the water starts boiling, reduce heat to medium and let it reduce until rice and water come to the same level.
  • Reduce heat to low, cover and cook for 20 minutes.
  • Swich off heat and let rice rest for atleast 15 minutes before opening the lid.

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