Monday, June 11, 2012

Guest Post by Chocolate & Chillies: Mango Ice cream

I have another guest post for y'all today! And this time it's Asiya from Chocolate & Chillies. Asiya is one of my blogging friends and a very sweet, stay at home mom who has a wonderful blog with some really pretty photographs. She masters Pakistani/Indian cooking and never fails to amaze me when she presents the simplest dishes in the most pretty ways. For instance check out her Masoor ki Daal.. Don't you feel like grabbing a chapatti and digging right in?

It is so kind of her to guest post on The Recipe Code today and I am so happy that she made for us one of our most favorite desserts.. the Mango Ice cream! Like seriously, who doesn't love this stuff?

And now I will let Asiya do the talking while I drool over her Mango Ice cream! Over to you Asiya! :)