Monday, June 11, 2012

Guest Post by Chocolate & Chillies: Mango Ice cream

I have another guest post for y'all today! And this time it's Asiya from Chocolate & Chillies. Asiya is one of my blogging friends and a very sweet, stay at home mom who has a wonderful blog with some really pretty photographs. She masters Pakistani/Indian cooking and never fails to amaze me when she presents the simplest dishes in the most pretty ways. For instance check out her Masoor ki Daal.. Don't you feel like grabbing a chapatti and digging right in?

It is so kind of her to guest post on The Recipe Code today and I am so happy that she made for us one of our most favorite desserts.. the Mango Ice cream! Like seriously, who doesn't love this stuff?

And now I will let Asiya do the talking while I drool over her Mango Ice cream! Over to you Asiya! :)

I was very honoured when Zee asked me to do a guest post on her blog.  I discovered The Recipe Code through Facebook.  I loved her photography.  So I started to visit her blog more often.  I love the whole concept of the Recipe Code...finding the "code" to the perfect recipe.

For my guest post I thought I would do something that was perfect for the upcoming summer.  I got a ice cream maker attachment for my mixer recently and have been experimenting with different recipes.  I found this recipe on My Culinary Adventures.  The original recipe doesn't use an ice cream maker but I wanted to try it out using one.  It's a very simple recipe with only 3 ingredients: mango pulp, Cool Whip and condensed milk.  This recipe reminds me of the ice cream that is served at weddings.

I used low fat Cool Whip and condensed milk but I would recommend using the original ones for best flavour.

Mango Ice Cream
Adapted from My Culinary Adventures

1 tin mango pulp
3 cups Cool Whip
1 tin condensed milk

In a large bowl combine mango pulp and condensed milk..  Fold in Cool Whip.  Put in fridge until chilled.  Pour into ice cream maker and proceed according to your ice cream maker instructions.

If you are not using an ice cream maker, pour in an airtight container and keep in the freezer until ready.

Thank you again Zee for the opportunity to guest post on your wonderful blog!


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed the ice cream Asiya. The pic really looks great. I'm glad to discover and follow your lovely blog Zee.

  2. Simple and indulging are tempting....

  3. Thanks again for having me guest post & for your kind words!

  4. ohh dear !!!!what gorgeous clicks !!!!love that color !!!!!!

  5. Seriously? 3 ingredients?! I love it!

  6. I apparently skimmed the title and thought this was mango -and chilies- ice cream. Oops! I do love the idea of mango ice cream, with or without the kick of chile peppers, hehe, so this sounds good regardless.

  7. What what?! I want some mango icecream!
    I can't believe how easy this is. Here comes summer!

  8. I am a total summer girl and it gets much better when I have some mangoes in my hand :)

  9. I happen to have the mango pulp in my pantry that I got from Indian store!!! I love making mango lassi from this pulp but never made ice cream out of it. I can't wait to try it!
