Monday, February 4, 2013

Skinny Frappuccino

The weather here has been beautiful since morning and after 3 days of heat and humidity we finally had rain!

I decided to enjoy the afternoon with a glass of home made skinny frappuccino and boy was I delighted!

Easy, light and oh so refreshing! It was ready in less than 5 minutes..
I am all about quick recipes these days you might have noticed...


  1. Skimmed milk (1 glass - chilled)
  2. Instant Coffee (1 tsp)
  3. Vanilla Essence (1 drop)
  4. Sugar or Stevia (according to your taste)
  5. Low fat whipped cream (for topping)
  6. Chocolate Sprinkles

  • Put all ingredients except whipped cream and chocolate sprinkle in a blender and blend for 2-3 minutes.
  • Pour the blended mix into a glass and top with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles.
  • Enjoy!


  1. Sign me up! This looks like a perfect (and guilt free) afternoon pick-me-up. YUM!

  2. One of my all time favorite beverages........I just skip the whipped topping and add some chocolate syrup sometimes.. Great's really tough to take such perfect pics of beverages.

  3. Mmmm so excited that it's frappuccino weather! Love this skinny version.

  4. I'm really weak for the word "skinny"...and I end up having two servings. =P This looks like a perfect afternoon pick-me-up.:)

  5. I found you through Asiya's website and am so glad I did! This frappuccino looks delightful!

  6. Oh my gosh just found your blog and this looks delicious! I've always wanted to know how to make my own! xx

  7. AHHHHHHHHH this looks so damn delicious. LOVE IT!
