Friday, November 25, 2011

Pizza Supreme

Craving for a pizza any one?
This deep-dish pizza stuffed with gobs of cheese, sausage, and chicken tikka chunks was an immediate hit with my family (including my two very picky siblings!). The secret of taste however lies in the pizza sauce and after many attempts, I have finally found the recipe of a perfect pizza sauce!

To any one who wants to try out this recipe, I would highly recommend the ingredients to come in following order after the dough has risen for the second time:
Pizza sauce
Veges of your choice (I used jalapenos, olives, onions & bell peppers)
Chicken tikka chunks
More cheese
Seasoning of your choice

Into the oven for 25 mins or until the crust browns and ta-da! You have a perfect home made pizza. Serve with garlic powder and roasted red chilies.

My love for spicy flavors made me add jalapenos, roasted red chilies, ground red chilies and bell pepper. You can substitute these with your favourite flavors or simply omit them for a less spicy version. Tikka chunks can be substituted with boiled, grilled or left over chicken.

Pizza Sauce
  1. fresh tomatoes (4-5)
  2. garlic (5 cloves)
  3. dried oregano and thyme (1/2 tsp each)
  4. bay leaf (1 small)
  5. olive oil (2tbsp)
  6. salt and red chilies (to taste)
  • Blend tomatoes and garlic together
  • In a pan on medium heat pour olive oil, tomato mixture and seasonings.
  • Let it simmer on medium flame for about 20 minutes

Pizza Dough
  1. All purpose flour (500 gms)
  2. Instant yeast (2 tbsp)
  3. Olive oil (1/4 cup)
  4. Salt and sugar (a pinch each)
  5. Water for kneading
  • Mix together all dry ingredients
  • Add olive oil and water
  • Knead for about 5 minutes or until the dough is smooth and stretchy
  • Place covered in a greased bowl and let stay in warm temperature for 2 hours or until the dough doubles in size.
  • Knock down the dough using your hands and spread it on the pizza tray, it should be about 1/2 cm thick.
  • Keep the pizza tray again in a warm place and let dough rise second time for about 45 to 60 minutes. 
Tikka chunks:

Marinate cubes of boneless chicken in pre-made tikka (or BBQ) seasoning for 30 mins. Cook in a pan with 1 tbsp olive oil.

Assemble pizza in above mentioned order and bake in pre-heated oven at 120C for 25-30 minutes or until the crust becomes brown from under.


  1. Salam.
    Garlic would be five pods or five cloves?

    1. W/Salam Saira,
      Its 5 cloves, i have made the correction :)
