Monday, February 27, 2012

Chicken & Vegetable Pasta

Last Saturday was one of those days when you get back home from work and your mom is making your favorite meal and suddenly you forget how long the day had been at work and how much you are tired and longing for the weekend. In fact, this was the perfect start to the weekend! the only credit I can take for this post is of the picture other than that it was all my loving mother's efforts :)

Chicken & Vegetable Pasta


  1. Chicken (1/2 kg - cut in strips)
  2. Shell Pasta (250 gm)
  3. Chicken Stock Cubes (2)
  4. Carrots (1/2 cup - julienne)
  5. Cabbage  (1/2 cup - julienne)
  6. Capsicum  (1/2 cup - julienne)
  7. Peas (1 cup)
  8. Spring onions  (1/2 cup - chopped)
  9. Garlic (1 tbsp - chopped)
  10. Black Pepper (2 tbsp)
  11. Vinegar (2 tbsp)
  12. Soy sauce (2 tbsp)
  13. Salt (According to taste)
  14. Cooking Oil (3-4 tbsp)
  1. Boil pasta according to instructions on the pack and set aside.
  2. In a pan, heat oil and saute chopped garlic until it takes a brownish color.
  3. Add chicken strips, salt and black pepper. Cook on high flame until water almost dries and all chicken pieces have taken a white color.
  4. Add carrots. capsicum, peas and cabbage and saute vegetables with chicken  for 1 minute. 
  5. Add chicken stock cube, vinegar and soy. Let cook for 1 minute on high flame and continue stirring.
  6. Turn off the heat and add boiled noodles. If you want to adjust seasoning according to your own taste, you can do it now.
  7. Add spring onions, mix well and dish out. 
Note: Add salt sparingly because stock cubes and soy sauce are both high on sodium therefore you may not need to add salt at all. 


  1. Delicious looking pasta,sounds so yummy n nice presentation too...

  2. I don't use shell pasta often but looking at your dish, I think it's so cute that I should use this kind more often. I love how your pasta looks. It looks yummy and lots of nice ingredients in there. :-)

  3. I don't use shell pasta often but looking at your dish.Tuna and pasta bake create your pasta food instant and testy. Newly added pasta cooking tips which save your time and energy.Know how to make tuna pasta bake from our research. Cook instantly also know different ways of making pasta salad.
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