Thursday, March 1, 2012

First Oscar & another ray of hope for Pakistan: Time to celebrate!

Source: this & this

Sharmeen Obiad Chinoy, a Pakistani film maker and first time Oscar nominee, won an Academy Award for her documentary "Saving Face" addressing the subject of domestic violence and more specifically acid attack victims. The documentary shows the resilience and  stronger side of victimized women who bravely fight to survive and to get their identity back! A story about hope and the efforts of Pakistani citizens who come to aid their fellow countrymen.

Photo credit: Bina KhanPhotography

Being a Pakistani women myself, I am very proud of Ms. Chinoy's achievement. She not only brought home the most prestigious film award to Pakistan but has also proven that every Pakistani women can reach her dream!

Way to go Sharmeen and all the Pakistani women!

Here is to all of us empowered women of Pakistan.. A special celebration cake! :)

Chocolate Cake with Balsamic Strawberry Cream Filling

I saw this recipe on Deeba's blog Passionate About Baking and fell instantly in love with it. I was so impressed with her styling and presentation of this cake that I had it as my desktop picture for a week and each day I would look at her cake and drool! Then this amazing news about our first Oscar Award came my way and I knew that there won't be a better occasion to celebrate than this one with this amazing cake.

Although mine is not as pretty as her's but it was D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S!!! I have never had a better cake than this ever! What's there not to love about this cake? Chocolate, strawberries, cream.. do we need anything else? I don't think so!

Now you go and take the recipe from Deeba while I indulge in the last slice of this amazing cake which I saved for myself.. Yummm!