Sunday, April 8, 2012

Savory Chicken Cake - The winning recipe of Sufi's Master Chef 2012

Those of you who follow me on facebook must know that I secured 1st position in an online cooking competition hosted by Sufi Cooking Oil and Ghee. What an honor! I was up against some really good chefs and I was so nervous before the results. Those of you who aren't yet following me on facebook, here are the pictures and recipe of my Savory Chicken Cake.

The event took place at Avari Hotel Lahore where all the three grand prize winners received their awards. The people of Lahore are very warm and welcoming. I was moved by the hospitality and love they showed.
I met so many nice people and made many new friends, all thanks to Sufi Cooking Oil & Ghee.
This picture was taken before the guests started to arrive
All the three grand prize winners were asked to make their recipes in front of the audience after which prizes were distributed. 

So here is the recipe of my Savory Chicken Cake. I will also be making recipes that secured second and third position, which I must tell you were pretty amazing! So stay tuned for that.


1. Boneless Chicken (1/2 kg)
2. Sufi Cooking Oil (1/4 cup)
3. 1 loaf bread 
4. Sour Cream (1/2 cup)
5. Mayonnaise(1 cup)
6. Chilli Garlic ketchup (1/2 cup)
7. Mustard Paste (1/4 cup)
8. Cucumbers sliced (1 cup)
9. Ice berg lettuce shredded (1 cup)
10. Boiled eggs, cherry tomatoes and coriander leaves for garnishing.


1. Slice bread lengthwise in 3 slices and set aside
2. Mix 1/2 cup mayonnaise and 1/2 cup sour cream until well incorporated and refrigerate for 1 hour.
3. Sprinkle salt and pepper on boneless chicken and grill with Sufi Cooking Oil until tender.
4. In a blender, blend together chicken with 1/2 cup mayonnaise and 1/4 cup ketchup to make a thick mousse. Refrigerate for 20 minutes.
5. on the first layer of bread, spread remaining chilli garlic ketchup evenly.
6. Now spread the chicken mixture on it.
7. Place cucumber slices to cover all chicken.
8. Place second layer of bread on top of cucumbers.
9. Spread mustard paste evenly on this layer of bread and layer shredded lettuce.
10. Place the last layer of bread on top of lettuce and press lightly to make the filling even.
11. Now spread the sour cream/mayo mixture and frost it evenly like a cake is frosted.
12. Decorate with cherry tomatoes, boiled eggs, cucumber slices and coriander leaves.
13. Chill in refrigerator for at least 2 hours before serving.


  1. Hey Zee, my first time here. Congrats on winning the first place. The Cake looks fabulous! You will read more comments from me because there's a lot to explore on your Blog:) keep up the good work.

    1. Hi Familycook, welcome to TRC! :)
      Thanks for appreciation. Would love to see you here again :)

  2. It was a sure shot winner. Wish I knew about the competition earlier on, would have definitely given you a tough time :p

    You deserved it,
    keep up the good work.

    1. haha! I hope next time we can compete ;)
      Thanks alot for visiting TRC :)

  3. Congratulations on the award! Looks like you totally deserved it- the savory cake looks delish! Pinning it to try it some day. Thanks for sharing your winning recipe!
