Monday, April 9, 2012

Lemon Sorbet

Yes it's still spring but it feels like summer has already started. Two things are reminding us constantly that a real hot weather is just around the corner...

One is the soaring temperature which have already gone as high as 94 this year, and its just April yet! can you believe that? Mother nature has her own ways of taking revenge. 

The second thing which is much more pleasing and promises of a sweet summer are these baby mangoes. We have a mango tree in our back yard and this is the second year it is giving fruit. 

Last year we had only 2 mangoes on it which fell off while they were babies but this year there are much more and we hope to eat our own home grown mangoes this year!

But since there is much more time left to enjoy these mangoes and temperature is continuously rising, we decided to indulge in another tangy and juicy treat which is best to quench the thirst and gives instant refreshment during hot summer days. 

Yes the tangy, sweet, delicious and refreshing Lemon Sorbet!

Very commonly known as ice cream's poor cousin, it is genuinely the most refreshing thing on the planet! And the best part is, you can easily make it at home even without an ice cream maker!

Do you know what's even better? It requires only three ingredients!

  1. Water (1 cup)
  2. Sugar (3/4 cup)
  3. Lemon Juice (3/4 cup)

  • Make a syrup by heating sugar and water in a pan over medium heat until the sugar has completely dissolved. Remove from heat and let cool.
  • Add lemon juice and chill the mixture in the fridge until thoroughly cooled.
  • Pour the lemon mixture into a shallow bowl or pan. Freeze until almost solid. Take out of the freezer, and thoroughly stir it with a fork or a whisk. Put back into freezer and freeze until almost solid.
  • Take out of the freezer and stir it well again. Repeat 4-5 times with 1 hour intervals until it takes form of soft snow.
  • Freeze in in air tight container until ready to use.
  • If you are unable to keep it soft, scoop out the frozen mixture and place it into a food processor. Pulse until smooth. Transfer sorbet to airtight container and return to freezer


  1. Perfect for crouching summer....very refreshing....

  2. Yes, please. This is so easy to put together. Love the idea. Perfect for the summer.

  3. that is beautiful post & perfect recipe to grab for the comin hot weather.

  4. Oh wow. I never knew something so good required so little ingredients!
    Summer is fast approaching. I need to stock up on summer recipes, and this one looks perfect ;)

  5. wow... such a simple recipe... perfect for summers... thanks for sharing...

  6. My mouth is watering just looking at those photos -- lemon sorbet yum!
